NMD Dentist’s Profile

We want to make sure that every bit of your information works for you. With NMD dentist’s profile your possibilities are limitless: you are not only able to consolidate, systematize and store your information but also utilize your information to generate various tasks for your provider and listings data.

A single reliable source of information

With NMD complex algorithms used to analyze proprietary classification and claims data, your information is evaluated, sorted out, synchronized and enhanced to build your NMD Dentist’s Profile, a single reliable source of your information. 

The correct data

Your NMD Dentist’s Profile allows you to synchronize your internal data which is first evaluated by the advanced analytic tools to ensure that your NMD Profile has the up-to-date key words and then updated across the web.

Internal data synchronization

NMD advanced analytic tools synchronize your internal data from contact information to complex worksheets regardless of where and how it is arranged.


NMD dental portal has been designed to enhance the experience for both practitioners and their patients taking into account years of analytic research into patient data, like patient search criteria.


Integrated terminology

Integrating insurance data sources NMD dental portal uses the exact terminology for performed by the dentists to ensure the patients find the service they need at ease.


NMD user-friendly interface allows you to spot data inconsistencies and fix them in a few easy steps.


NMD portal utilizing its advanced analytic tools collects, evaluates and synchronizes your internal data across the web to ensure that your most up-to-date information is available to your current and perspective patients.

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