Listing Management

Manage Your Listings 24/7 seven days a week

Manage Your Listings 24/7 seven days a week from the comfort of your office, home or on the go…on your PC, laptop, smartphone or any other electronic device. Be in control of your information! Do not let third parties manage your information supplied to various search engines patients use to find services they need. At best, the data provided through such sources is dated and unreliable and at worst, distorted or untrue.

Update Here = Updates Everywhere

You do not need to spend hours of manual labor on updating your information on numerous websites. Once your profile information updates, it replaces previous data about you everywhere across the web with the most current information (i.e. contact details, address, phone numbers, insurance information, etc.)

24/7 protection

To ensure protection of your information, maintain search performance and constantly enhance your online visibility our platform works 24/7 to detect and fix any negative data circulated on the web. Our strong partnerships with online giants like Google, Bing, Yelp as well as the most reliable and trusted healthcare and business sites furnish unparalleled control of your online presence.

NMD is helping GMB adapt to the dental industry

Originally, Google My Business was created for commercial enterprises rather than dental practices which made it strenuous for the dental community to accurately represent itself online. In partnership the two platforms, Google My Business and, are focusing on how to make Google My Business a more accessible and efficient platform for dentists.

The first comprehensive platform designed for dentists is a unique industry focused platform furnished to the needs of dental community providing comprehensive tools to enhance online visibility.


Improved Patient Experience

At we aim at making both dentists and patients happy by proving an access to a comprehensive pool of online tools.

Improved SEO stands by each dentist by providing dentists with a set of online tools allowing dentists to have control over their information aimed at strengthening their online visibility.

User Friendly Platform

User-friendly platform provides an easy access to the information about dentists, their areas of expertise and allows patients to make a contact for dental services they seek.

Save Time and Money is a one-stop-for-all type of online platform designed to meet specific needs of dental community by providing dentists with as comprehensive set of tools to control their information, enhance their online presence and facilitate a positive experience with their patients.

Ready to Get Started?